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The purpose of this page is to share questions and analysis pertaining to The People's essential rights, customs and welfare.

Below is an appeal to President Donald J. Trump (2017-2025), summing up some concerns about events crushing the plebiscite of 2020 - 2021. This discussion of current events first appeared on Twitter in an abbreviated form on January 12, 2021: https://twitter.com/End_of_Uppsala/status/1349200952717402112?s=20; https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1349200952717402112.html .


Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for all you’ve done & for persevering.

Due to my alarm and concern for my family, I am directing this note to
@POTUS in the hope you might read it. I worry the Republic has either fallen or is on the verge of failing — absent acute serious indigenous emergent intervention. It is abundantly clear that the hard-earned right to Free & Fair Elections (“a right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and importance,” 1215 Magna Carta), has been ruthlessly trampled in 2020 - 2021.

Additionally, given no move on your part to remove from office those you judge to have violated their “oath . . . to support the Constitution of the United States,” (Am. XIV, § 3, Const.), more than 2/3 of Congress must be corrupted or otherwise compromised and would vote to remove the disability of such a designation.

Part of my consternation is the numbers. It seems that at most only a half a percent of the population would be the movers and shakers of this insurrection, that only about ten percent of the population of the USA are committed to that effort, and a total of probably thirty percent are either in leadership of the insurrection or are going along for the ride. We are the remaining seventy percent (70%) of the population, half of which have some form of martial training and are armed to the gills.

The impudence of Congress, the MSM and Telecoms, and the rest of the Uniparty [American globalist elitists] must not be permitted to stand. At risk is the very essence of government of the People, by the People, and for the People, which is protection by which we all save our Life, Liberty & pursuit of Happiness. We are facing true tyranny and reduction under absolute despotism.

On Twitter I posted a number of threads (perhaps a tedious read) as I attempted to work out what I thought might be happening to our country. I have no unique qualifications by which to accomplish such a task, and no pretense that my thoughts must be correct; however, I hope some of my conclusions might be helpful as an “outside” perspective that could raise issues otherwise missed. I’d like to think my hypotheses are wrong, but am concerned that they are not.

I doubt you’ve missed anything. You appear to have been well ahead of the curve, as the rest of us are just catching up. Again, thank you.

My handle at Twitter is the same as here: @End_of_Uppsala .

The supreme court of the United States is (and for some time has been) derelict in its duties, (start: https://twitter.com/end_of_uppsala/status/1339900986777726977?s=21; end: https://twitter.com/end_of_uppsala/status/1347166281753980942?s=21; threadreader: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1339900986777726977.html ), and has provided the People with no equitable relief against a most brutal oppression and the People’s reduction “under absolute Despotism.” (https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript .) The supreme court appears to be countenancing a coup to overthrow the Republic. (https://twitter.com/end_of_uppsala/status/1341777311033507841?s=21 .)

My perception is that “two active undeclared hostile conflicts have been being waged against us while we were minding own selves, living, exercising Liberty, & pursuing our happy, productive lives. Those conflicts pose immediate existential threats to our Republic and our lives.” (https://twitter.com/end_of_uppsala/status/1331893499633958918?s=21; https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1331893499633958918.html .)

One is an undeclared, active Second Civil War; and the other is an undeclared, active World War III with CCP China at point (kinetic primarily by means of the COVID-19 bioweapon, which has multifarious strains and aspects, providing specific distinct targeting opportunities for an adversary — https://twitter.com/end_of_uppsala/status/1334750651503398913?s=21; https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1334750651503398913.html . In passing, I would note that only the ORF8 strain appears to pose significant dangers to otherwise healthy individuals and children (because, in the face of the ORF8 proteins that flood the body, our immune systems are not able to mount an effective defense — https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.25.267328 ).

Thankfully, ORF8 is deleting from the SARS-CoV-2 viral genome — as occurred 2002 with SARS-CoV-1 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meegid.2020.104525 ). Otherwise, absent complications, it seems SARS-CoV-2 runs a 14-21 day cycle (although the bradykinin storm [that precipitates the cytokine storm] and creation of free porphyrins, in light of extreme viral titers, poses profound risks to particular vulnerable populations).

Elsewhere, I worked though some thoughts in a thread about who might be behind such a coup, and reached the conclusion that it must be something akin to remnants of the neo-pagan New Age movement (that at one time openly advocated for the elimination of 2/3 of the World’s population so as to achieve a speculative, yet coveted, “Harmonic Convergence.” (https://twitter.com/endofuppsala/status/1340734900656361474?s=21; https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1331631136796184582.html .)

In the USA, while being a definite minuscule minority, there are nonetheless millions of people of all ethnicities and walks of life who follow such esoteric religious principles. Most are not combative or hostile, but the ardent followers of the Æsir way of life can be expected to take extreme measures to achieve their objectives — even if such measures would seem to make time of no consequence. Of course, other totalitarians (like Hitler) also have had a penchant for reviving the old worship of the Æsir and Vanir that perished with the elimination of the temple in Uppsala around 1080 AD (a place described in some detail by Adam of Bremen, before the destruction of that dark G_d-forsaken place).

Hitler’s Nazism, being akin to Communism, informs that Fascism and Communism can fully operate from a pagan worldview, but that Judeo-Christian dogma and practice will not be allowed to continue by such a regime.

“[U]nder the leadership of Rosenberg, Bormann and Himmler, who were backed by Hitler, the Nazi regime intended eventually to destroy Christianity in Germany, if it could, and substitute the old paganism of the early tribal Germanic [edit: same as Norse] gods and the new paganism of the Nazi extremists. As Bormann, one of the men closest to Hitler, said publicly in 1941, ‘National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.’” (Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - 1960.) Of course, in destroying Christianity, a corollary outcome would be the destruction of Judaism.

It seems odd to me that a country as prosperous and as free as the United States of America (which created and maintained that most cherished of classes, the previously and elsewhere unknown middle-class) could have suffered two civil wars in less than two centuries (one declared by the Southern Confederate States, and the current undeclared disseminated civil war). Odd, unless our country’s existence has long troubled other powers that be.

Before the end of Uppsala-based paganism (the main center of three gathering centers of pagan worship in Europe at the time), and the advent of government informed by Judeo-Christian teachings, the populace was terrorized into obedience and conformity to the ruling class. Those dark days of yore ended with the peaceful and welcomed Gospel message that dispelled fear — bringing Liberty to the Norse People, and even ending the Norse practice of barbarous raiding and plundering.

Similar to the Greek, Roman, and Japanese pantheon of gods, the pagan Norse [same as Germanic & most Alemanni] pantheon demanded constant sacrifice and obedience from the People. The People’s forced capitulation and slavish attempts to please rulers were rewarded with a meager life under the constant threat of further violence or even greater harm. (See backstory, H. A. Guerber, Myths of the Norsemen - 1909.) The Norse tyrannical model for rule over the People is not unique to the Western Common Law countries. In fact, Japan’s initiation of hostilities in World War II was motivated by similar impulses.

The pagan model of government (absolute rulership) can be quite profitable to a ruling class, which treats the People as merely a resource to be managed and culled at will.

Doubtless, most believe CCP China is behind the attempt to abolish our Republic.

CCP China, given atrocities like Jack Killam’s undeclared Opium War, must have long-standing animus against the USA. The USA, given atrocities like the Korean and Vietnam wars, also could be expected to have long-standing animus toward CCP China. This potential for hostility between our two great Republics is too perfect a mix, and does not explain the current “assist” being given by the globalist elitists to destroy our Republic.

Rather, it seems most likely that CCP China has only been “hired” by globalist elitists to prosecute these efforts and itself (unrecognized by CCP China) faces elimination by the globalist elitists once both the USA and China are sufficiently weakened. It defies logic (given the Maslowian arrogance of the globalist elitists) to assume that CCP China hired the globalist elitists (who are clearly implicated in current events). The reverse seems likely, and a treacherous betrayal of CCP China in the end would be a mere imitation of the treacherous Loki —— ensuring the globalist elitists with complete power and control of both the USA and China.

That CCP China is merely one of many tools employed by globalist elitists to effect a rise to power (and absolute control of governance worldwide) seems evident from the funding schemes that have transformed virtually all of the MSM and Telecoms into propaganda organs of the “new” Democrat party and their globalist elitist allies. (start: https://twitter.com/end_of_uppsala/status/1337428551952429057?s=21; end: https://twitter.com/endofuppsala/status/1337547872137588738?s=21; https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1337428551952429057.html .) Given the extensive quisling conduct of Republican politicians and the party, it is fair to characterize the current political state of our country as the revealing of a Uniparty ruling class — one which has been obliquely in place for decades, at least.

These developments bode ill for the People.

The present efforts to “transform” America appear to have been long-planned and extensive. As examples, there appears to be widespread coordination in violation of the USA Antitrust laws (most noticeably in the context of the MSM and Telecoms), prolific disregard of FinCEN obligations with an apparent singular aim to destabilize and co-opt the USA government, manufacture of pseudo-grassroots support through means of bots and the multilevel Harvard “Resistance School,” and multiple uses throughout the 2020 election cycle and thereafter of technical principles derived from Social Psychology to attempt to cultivate public support for the Uniparty and to try to generate public animus against anyone who continues to support the Republic and the Constitution (Social Learning Theory, Asch Conformity Study, Milgram Obedience Study, common threat, etc.).

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." —— (Harry S. Truman, Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950.)

What can be done? I am reminded that regarding the period when Rome was substantially bled out by the ferocity of the Alemanni (and other pagans under the control of Odoacer’s muse) it has been said:

“Fear has been the original parent of superstition, and every new calamity urges trembling mortals to deprecate the wrath of their invisible enemies.

Though the best hope of the republic was in the valor and conduct of Aurelian,

yet such was the public consternation, when the barbarians were hourly expected at the gates of Rome, that, by a decree of the senate the Sibylline books were consulted. Even the emperor himself from a motive either of religion or of policy, recommended this salutary measure, chided the tardiness of the senate, and offered to supply whatever expense, whatever animals, whatever captives of any nation, the gods should require. Notwithstanding this liberal offer, it does not appear, that any human victims expiated with their blood the sins of the Roman people.” (Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - 1776.)

Valor and conduct are the better path, since the Sibylline path would be playing into the hands of both the enemy and that other enemy.

I am encouraged only in G_d at this time.

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Deut. 31:6.

Please stay the course and save the Republic.



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